Bed Bugs


Actual Size: Less than 6 mm

Characteristics: Oval, flat, and mahogany brown to red-brown.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: None

Habitat: Typically conceal themselves during the day in dark, secure spots – and are notoriously found in beds.


  • Painless bites that often go unnoticed, causing physical symptoms like itchiness, inflammation, and welts on the skin.
  • Exclusively feeds on the blood of humans and mammals, frequently resulting in blood stains on bedding, walls, or furniture.
  • Recognizable infestations marked by reddish or black stains from fecal matter, crushed bugs, or feeding.
  • Releases a sweet, musty odor similar to overripe raspberries when disturbed, signaling the presence of scent glands.

Bed Bugs in the Pacific Northwest

Bed bugs are pervasive pests that feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded hosts such as birds, rodents, bats, and pets. Though primarily active at night, these insects are not strictly nocturnal. Bed bugs are adept at hiding in undisturbed cracks and crevices, making them difficult to detect. They often feed unnoticed on their sleeping hosts, as their bites are generally painless. Remarkably, bed bugs can survive for over a year without feeding and do not transmit diseases.

Bed Bug Habitat

These small and elusive pests typically hitch rides on luggage, clothing, and furniture, spreading as humans travel from one location to another. Bed bugs are especially prevalent in places with high occupant turnover, such as hotels, shelters, and various forms of public transport like airplanes and trains. They thrive by forming groups in areas where humans sleep or rest for long periods, such as in homes, schools, and medical facilities. Notably, their presence does not necessarily indicate poor hygiene or inadequate housekeeping. Bed bugs often hide in seams, folds, and crevices of mattresses, headboards, and upholstered furniture, making them difficult to detect and manage.

Bed Bug Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Bed bug infestations can be managed effectively through an integrated pest management strategy. Although they do not transmit diseases, their bites can cause allergic reactions that might require medical attention. Initial signs of their presence include bites appearing in a linear swelling on the skin or tiny brownish specks on bedding. In some cases, individuals may not even realize they have been bitten.

If a bed bug infestation is suspected, it is recommended to contact a professional bed bug exterminator.